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BUYING OUR FIRST HOME ๐Ÿ  House Hunting in Dallas, TX Home Tours!

In today's texas/moving vlog, I'm taking you guys to look at houses in Dallas, TX! Which home was your favorite?! Let me know if you enjoyed it and would like to see more home tours ๐Ÿ  

Click below to see the video.

Links to everything I mentioned are available here: [link].

Thanks for watching ❤️ BUYING OUR FIRST HOME ๐Ÿ  House Hunting in Dallas, TX Home Tours! #househunting #hometour #househuntingindallas

Breville Barista Express Beginner's Guide + Unboxing

In today's unsponsored video I will be unboxing and setting up Breville Barista Express Coffee Espresso Machine. Total beginner's guide, watch me stumble through this ๐Ÿ˜† 

Click below to see the video.

Links to everything I mentioned are available here: [link].

Thanks for watching ❤️ Breville Barista Express Beginner's Guide + Unboxing #baristaexpress #baristaexpressunboxing #brevillebaristaexpress