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Monday, October 21, 2024

Easy Hack To Revive FADED Black Clothes | Step by Step Guide to Dye Fabric! (Top & Front Loading)

Okay, I finally did it! ๐Ÿ™ˆ After being so nervous about ruining my washing machine, I tried dyeing my faded black clothes at home. Honestly? It was WAY easier than I thought!
I had this Lululemon hoodie that mysteriously turned brown (ugh, why do expensive clothes do this??) and some totally faded black tees. Instead of tossing them, I decided to try this dye pod thing I found online.

What you'll see:
Me being super anxious about the whole process ๐Ÿ˜…
Whether it actually works in a top-loading washer
If it's really as easy as everyone says
The actual results (no misleading before/afters, I promise!)

BTW, this isn't sponsored - I bought everything myself and was genuinely shocked it worked! Saved my $130 hoodie with a $17 dye pod... feeling pretty proud of myself ngl ๐Ÿ’‍♀️
Products I used are linked below if you want to try this too!

Let me know in the comments if you've ever tried dyeing clothes at home - did it work for you?

Click below to see the video:

Links to everything I mentioned are available here: [link].

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